Thursday 3 November 2011

Doctors and jobs.

Dr Rob Barnett, the secretary of the Liverpool Local Medical Committee (LMC), said: “I’m working in an area of high unemployment. It may be OK for the GMC in London to propose things like this but the reality here is that there are very few jobs around. If I talk to someone who has been unemployed for 18 months, and they can’t find work, then they are going to look at me like I’m an alien if I suggest they get a job.”

Where are the jobs going to come from..

The problem is, I can't find any. I've only got three or four GCSEs. So I apply for a job, they say they'll get back to me, and they almost never do. I've made 50 applications in six months, through Jobcentres, and on the internet. But I've only heard back from about five, saying: "Sorry, you haven't been successful." I haven't had any interviews. There was one for a chugging [street fundraising for charity] job, but it turned out it was on the other side of London, and so I would have spent more money on travel getting there and back than I would be earning.

Everyone's so desperate. Across every sector, there are just so many people applying for jobs. And in Lincoln, my local service has cut the bus service back, which makes it difficult for me to get into town for work.
The staff at the Jobcentre are always really friendly and helpful, but thanks to the cuts there's fewer of them, and so they're under a lot more pressure. Perhaps if they stopped cutting that kind of public service, the staff might be able to do a better job.

I have a chef's qualification, and a hygiene certificate that says I can safely work in any kitchen in Europe, but I've still had to broaden my search. I'm applying for supermarket work, cleaning – jobs that people with no qualifications can get. I've done some volunteer work with the Socialist party, and with my nan's church, but that's about it. I've had one or two interviews — but the last one was just to cut meat at a carvery. The most basic job in catering.

 was in and out of work for the year, and was unemployed for about six months before working in a warehouse for a while and I've been looking for a job since the summer.
I started out applying for the kind of jobs I wanted to go into, like being a parliamentary assistant or working for charities. Then, when I heard nothing, I started to apply for anything. I've handed my CV into bars and restaurants. I've applied for admin and retail jobs, and Christmas temp work. I haven't had any responses. It is frustrating because you never know where you stand. I have applied for around 100 jobs and I haven't been for any interviews.

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