Thursday 24 November 2011


  My ramblings on here and the bad punctuation is a defence because i know i will get in trouble.. so apologies for the spelling and grammar.  If i type badly then they wont know the real me;)..  call me paranoid, but when you have been threatened by a4e you learn to be cautious in the extreme especially as they have a lot more power today.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

voluntary work

since when is forcing people into voluntary work voluntary?

5.35 am

well. i havent managed to sleep. i have been going oover in my head what that adviser said.  and the more i think the more i think she incompetent.and a liar and is quite likely setting me.up to fail.  then she can sanction me for it.

apparently her daughter suffers from arthritis like me but advisor still takes.her so her kid sudenly has osteoarthritis of her ankles does she? strange she never said anything before.  adviser also.commented.on my i walking more.. you mean on the ankles that hurt  everyday. and that i hqve to take pain pills.for. how i should be will sorry butwhen you are in constant pain. you minimise it.

then once again. she never listened to me aboutn travel. since.she its easy to get to where i live.  but to get from where i am.with a limited.bus service to another place with another limited service is hard.  if i was say manchster its easier as the trains run every 15 mins. where to get to the small place. the bus is once an hour  now. 

she stated i was resistant to change. why because the was nothing else.i can do to get.a job.  i apply via job.centre site.other sites phone agencies.  she cant suggest.anything i am not doing and explaining that to her means i am resistant to change.  She has now upped my aplying for 5a week this is.the same woman who said i was applying for too many. and she will be monitoring it.

i in front of a car or bus or train everything i wrong this is the kind a4e.  bullies and thugs and idiots

a4e and charity

He used the government’s Work Programme, which involves about 300 voluntary organisations, as an example.

"Is this what an independent local voluntary sector should be doing?" said Curley. "Helping G4S and A4e to maximise their profits from welfare-to-work schemes? Do we really want our relationship with the state brokered for us by the private sector?"

Curley also said he was dismayed that the social care charity Turning Point and youth charity Catch22 had formed a consortium with Serco to build and run two new prisons.

23 november 2011

off to a4e at 10.. probably will be told off for applying for too many jobs. And threatened with sanctions for doing that..

remember when i got toldoff for aplying for to many jobs. well she has upped my 3 a week to 5. and wants me to do volunteer work. unpaid forced volunteered. most of.these places wont take a chance. in training me then knowing i will leave ronce i got exp. she also doesnt understand that coming from a city to a town. is not the same as town to city. but then again she is a scouse. i have applied for paid jobsincheetham hill as travel is better. but to prescot one bus an hour and stops after 5 aNd its a volunteer job. she usedthewords barrier and didnt listen likeshe never does

does she not know about voluntary jobs. she said because i have no bills that means i have less gumption to get a job. perhaps she wants me to be in debt so i can geta job. and that a pttls qual will not get ne a job. that they are useless after a year anyway. and she will not put me forward for any training as that wont advance your career. which means she doesnt want to know. and her only option is force me to volunteer or sanction time. but only 15 hours a week as you have to do a4e as well.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Slavery exists

Young jobseekers told to work without pay or lose unemployment benefits

People taking up work experience places – providing up to 30 hours a week of unpaid labour – face losing benefits if they quit   In terms of going for the populist vote, it was never going to be a hard sell. Ending the "sicknote culture" and the "something for nothing society", were tough-ounding promises - easy to make, but proving much harder for the government to deliver.
There are around two and a half million people on some sort of sickness-elated benefit in the UK. Transforming the system is one of the cornerstones of the coalition's welfare reforms.

Monday 14 November 2011

Sound familiar

The unemployed were given a very simple choice: do whatever work is given to you by the government or be classed as "work-shy" and put in a concentration camp.

However, there is no doubt that work was created. The Nazis introduced public work schemes for men who worked in the National Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst or RAD). Their work would have included digging ditches on farms to assist irrigation, building the new autobahns, planting new forests etc. The men of the RAD wore a military style uniform, lived in camps near to where they were working and received only what we would term pocket money.

Thursday 10 November 2011

I have been thinking,  a lot of stories now are demonising the unemployed,treating them like criminals.

Lets compare being a criminal,and being unemployed.

1, you get free food, free clothing,  nice warm place to live.  No bills, able to sit and read or do nothing and no one will tell you what to do.

then you have being unemployed.  You are called lazy, scroungers. You are blamed for all the problems of society, you have to spend hundreds more on food, on clothing, heating,  You are ordered to get any job at all irregardless of if you can do it.  Then you have to pay taxes,  and increasing bills, when you do get a job.  you pay more and more,for fuel,  food and everything else.

so which would you choose..


Chapter Number
Introduction to Support for the Very Long-Term Unemployed - Community Action
Programme (CAP)
  • Introduction to Guidance      
  • Background to CAP
  • The aims of CAP
  • Critical Success Factors
Claimant Eligibility
  • Introduction
  • Claimant Eligibility
  • Claimant Group
Referrals and initial engagement
  • Referral
  • Provider acknowledges referral
  • Provider accepts referral
  • Clerical referrals
  • Initial Engagement activity
  • Action where a claimant fails to attend the Initial Engagement Meeting
  • Provider registers start
Time on placement
  • Time on CAP
  • Participation during the placement period
  • The CAP placement
  • Provider-led Jobsearch
  • Absences from CAP
Change of Circumstances and Notifications
  • Participant notifies provider of change of circumstances
  • Jobcentre Plus notifies provider of a change of circumstances
  • Informing Jobcentre Plus of an incident or accident on your premises
Mandating Claimants / Raising a compliance doubt
  • Mandating claimants to undertake activity
  • Identity checks
  • Raising a compliance doubt
  • Compliance doubt raised
  • Labour Market Decision Maker (LM DM) notifies provider and participant of outcome
Re-engagement and Reviewing a Sanction
  • JSA claimant currently on 26 week sanction
  • Provider decides that participant has re-engaged
  • Provider notifies Labour Market Decision and Appeals ( LM DMA)
  • CSO LM DMA notifies provider of outcome decision
JSA Entitlement doubt
  • Provider identifies entitlement query for JSA claimant
  • Provider gathers information and sends to JCP
  • Labour Market Decision Maker and Appeals (LM DMA) makes decision and notifies the participant and the Provider
Financial Procedures
  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Start Fee
  • Completion Fees
  • Sustained Job Outcome Fee
  • Self Employment
  • Retention of Supporting Evidence
  • Validation of Claims,
  • Pre-payment validations for completion Fees
  • Post payment validations of Sustained Job Outcome Payments
  • Irregularities / potential fraud
Additional support
  • Introduction
  • Support whilst on Placement
  • Childcare
  • Travel Expenses for CAP
  • Additional Support
  • Financial Assistance
Completing the Community Action Programme
  • Early completers of the Community Action Programmed
  • Participant is due to complete the Community Action Programme (26 weeks)
  • Completion and return of the Exit Report
Accessing other programmes
  • Access to Work
  • In Work Credit
Communicating your minimum standards
  • Requirements for communicating your minimum service standards to participants who are joining the CAP.
  • Key Responsibilities
  • CAP Participant Complaint Process
  • Mixed Complaints (against you and JCP)
  • The Independent Case Examiner
Performance Management, Delivery standards and Evidencing Requirements
  • Introduction
  • Service Delivery Standards
  • Assurance Processes
  • Performance Management and Account Management
  • Performance and Management Information (MI)
  • Provider Assurance Team (PAT)
  • JCP and TPPMs
  • JCP Single Point of Contact
  • Quality
  • Trailblazer Evaluation
  • Collection of MI
Standard wording for your final response to the participant

Community benefit guidance
  • Introduction
  • Defining principles
  • Questions to consider
  • Examples of community benefit
  • What is not community benefit?
  • Unsuitable types of activity
  • Ensuring customers are not exploited by placement providers
CAP definitions
  • Introduction
  • Referral
  • Full-time Work Experience Placement Activity
  • Allotted Time
  • CAP Week
  • Allotted Time Start
  • Engagement Activity
  • CAP Placement Start Date
  • Start Fee
  • Job Start
  • Job Outcome Fee
  • Completer
  • Completion Date
  • Completion Fee
  • Exit Report
  • Did not engage
  • Participant moves outside CPA
List of Abbreviations
Annex 5
CAP Forms

    Thursday 3 November 2011

    Doctors and jobs.

    Dr Rob Barnett, the secretary of the Liverpool Local Medical Committee (LMC), said: “I’m working in an area of high unemployment. It may be OK for the GMC in London to propose things like this but the reality here is that there are very few jobs around. If I talk to someone who has been unemployed for 18 months, and they can’t find work, then they are going to look at me like I’m an alien if I suggest they get a job.”

    Where are the jobs going to come from..

    The problem is, I can't find any. I've only got three or four GCSEs. So I apply for a job, they say they'll get back to me, and they almost never do. I've made 50 applications in six months, through Jobcentres, and on the internet. But I've only heard back from about five, saying: "Sorry, you haven't been successful." I haven't had any interviews. There was one for a chugging [street fundraising for charity] job, but it turned out it was on the other side of London, and so I would have spent more money on travel getting there and back than I would be earning.

    Everyone's so desperate. Across every sector, there are just so many people applying for jobs. And in Lincoln, my local service has cut the bus service back, which makes it difficult for me to get into town for work.
    The staff at the Jobcentre are always really friendly and helpful, but thanks to the cuts there's fewer of them, and so they're under a lot more pressure. Perhaps if they stopped cutting that kind of public service, the staff might be able to do a better job.

    I have a chef's qualification, and a hygiene certificate that says I can safely work in any kitchen in Europe, but I've still had to broaden my search. I'm applying for supermarket work, cleaning – jobs that people with no qualifications can get. I've done some volunteer work with the Socialist party, and with my nan's church, but that's about it. I've had one or two interviews — but the last one was just to cut meat at a carvery. The most basic job in catering.

     was in and out of work for the year, and was unemployed for about six months before working in a warehouse for a while and I've been looking for a job since the summer.
    I started out applying for the kind of jobs I wanted to go into, like being a parliamentary assistant or working for charities. Then, when I heard nothing, I started to apply for anything. I've handed my CV into bars and restaurants. I've applied for admin and retail jobs, and Christmas temp work. I haven't had any responses. It is frustrating because you never know where you stand. I have applied for around 100 jobs and I haven't been for any interviews.