Monday 17 March 2014

UJM Cancelled?? We can But hope

The government has drawn up plans to scrap its official jobs website, Universal Jobmatch, after recognising it is too expensive and that its purpose is undermined by fake and repeat job entries, according to leaked internal communications from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).
A cache of documents seen by the Guardian details how the government's main website for job hunters – which tens of thousands of unemployed people have been required by the DWP to sign up to – is likely to be jettisoned when the contract for the service comes up for renewal in two years.

At the start of March, the DWP removed more than 120,000, or one-fifth, of all job adverts from over 180 employer accounts, because the ads did not abide by the site's terms and conditions.

O'Donnell said: job centres used to have good checks before the site was launched. It used to be, to put a job in a job centre, a recruitment agency had to call and identify themselves, go through various checks and identify the employer." However without those checks he said many more anonymous postings were being hosted under the DWP's logo. "Anonymous job adverts are terrible. [The job] may or may not exist. It might just be a fishing trip for other information."

Thursday 13 March 2014

Got my first WRAG appointment

I havent slept well, i feel sick I wonder how bad they will bully me, will they send me over the edge again and this time i wont find my way back,

Been thinking while i havent slept.. I am a zero, i am a nothing, there is nothing important about me, nothing unique, if i was never born the world would be no different.

Am so tired of it all..

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Two posts ago

this is the transcript of the appeal for actively seeking work

the world is wrong?

Most days i have been feeling like the world isnt the way it should be, That i somehow stepped out of the real world into a dark mirror world, where thing are not right.

Things dont seem to be right any more

Important News..Interesting Hidden story

More detail is set out in regulation 18 of the Regulations. Regulation 18(1) provides that:
“… a person shall be expected to have to take more than two steps in any week unless taking one or two steps is all that is reasonable for that person to do in that week.”
Mr Commissioner Williams held at para 10 & 14 of CJSA/1814/2007 (case law)
That is illustrated by this appeal. C was required by his Agreement to take 6 steps each week and several other steps from time to time. That is clearly more steps than the regulation requires of him to meet the test of “actively seeking work”. And it is more steps than the Agreement asked him to record. On the facts, the secretary of state’s representative now accepts that C took four steps in the week and that those four steps met the test in section 7(1).” 
Further, there is nothing in the Act or the Regulations requiring that a claimant must comply with everything in the Agreement. The reverse is the case. Theagreement must comply with the law. To be valid, a jobseeker’s agreement must comply “with the prescribed regulations in force”: section 9(1) of the Act. The pattern of the legislation is that a jobseeker’s agreement must comply with the test of actively seeking work in sections 1(2)(c) and 7 of the Act and regulation 18 of the Regulations and not the other way round.”
The Outcome of this case – Success!
Using this piece of case law the appeal was allowed, because the judge determined John (the appellant) was actively seeking work as per section 7 of the Jobseeker’ Act 1995 and he took significantly more than 2 steps to in order to have the best prospects of seeking work (Reg. 18 JSA Regs 1996)!

UJM fraud

The swoop comes following claims jobseekers paid for background checks for ‘non-existent’ roles with Options 4 Families.
Candidates told the M.E.N they had been interviewed at a luxury office inside the Manchester One building on Portland Street, but heard nothing from the company after paying £65 for background checks on offers of employment.
The £18,000-a-year trainee child counsellor jobs were advertised on several websites - including the government’s own Universal Jobmatch site.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Obesity and 5 a day

 the 5 a day is a myth no health benefits, in fact eating too much fruit destroys the enamel on the teeth the 5 a day was made to sell more fruit and veg Society is living longer.. but they are also dying younger at the same time..  the increase of eating 5 a day during which time there has been an increase in so called obesity. Hpowever at the same time the BMI limit for saying someone is obese has been dropped so at one time a person went to bed of "healthy" weight but because of the change in figures, they woke up obese.. the whole obesity doesnt take into account genetics, even during the 2nd world war with rationing you got fat people not because they ate a lot of "bad" stuff  its because of genetics.. yes we are more sedentary,  but you can be healthy if you are fat..ook at a lot of the sports stars, they are technically obese, using theBMI, there are exceptions if you are of a different race, or ethnicity.. there are exceptions if you are a woman, and it depends on the age of the person as well..the BMI was based on insurance figures in the 1930's didnt count those who didnt get insurance,  it was a limited pool of people to extract size data from..then they reduced the figures in the 90's and the 2000s to make more people "obese".. Just at the time when the diet industry makes tens of billions off the idea you have to be thin to be happy, that you have to be thin to be worthy so no wonder the obesity groups are so happy that diets dont usually work in fact diets have been known to increase weight gain..which means more money for the industry..

Wednesday 5 February 2014


SOrry if i seem very disjointed in this post, appparently i am well.. forget that i have depression...

I got zero poijnts on the atos test  no surprised.. the dwp apparently call you now with the test results and dealing with the job centre dwp makes me upset and think whats the point...

the woman was ok on the phone but having to deal with them makes me sick.. i told her about the adviser ssaying volunteer work didnt count, and did i report her i said her boss was 6 foot away from her and me and did nothing when i burst into tears in the office.. So i am put onto the WRAG for 6 months.. I started stammering again when dealing with the dwp.. it only happens when i am upset... or angry, came to sit down and both my legs are shuddering...i am close to the edge.. please wont they leave me alone

why cant they just let me live... why must it always be my fault...please why wont they leave me alone...

I dont hurt anyone, i am not malicious.. i am kind, and gentle yet why wont they leave me be..

Thursday 23 January 2014

Atos and depression

I went for the Atos appointment, i knew what it would be like.. first i had to wait an hour for the appointment.. i was in at 3 for 3.30.. i was only seen at 4.30.. first person saw an african woman doing the atos test. then i saw someone called rosie..

very dismissive, she isnt there to diagnose.. but that is what she is doing.. I know what they are going to say that i have the atos miracle.. that i am lying, and i am healthy.. when even the doctors know i am not they have given me sicknotes two different doctors. My therapist said it is deep depression i try to distract myself from feeling bad..

but it is getting harder.. story after story about how i will be gotten by IDS, that i will be punished by the DWP, my doctor has increased my anti depressants but they are not working every day something is happening and makes me feel worse.. i try to beat it but stories like IDS, Benefit streets, the lying unemployment rates each story depresses me further, I really dont see much point anymore..

Is it paranoia when you know they really are out to get you.. when everything you do is wrong, I jsut want to be left alone.. left to live my life.. but i am not allowed that.. theres hardly any reason left...what joy i had in reading in games has gone. I cannot do this much longer.. I am being drained and destroyed...

Only freedom is death... dont worry i am not at that stage again.. but every story every lie by the dwp about me and the unemployed and the sick and disabled just knocks me lower and lower.. while pills can keep me stable  without external factors unfortunately external factors like IDS,DWP all reduce them further..

So they have won.. I am not going to do anything to prolong my life.. if i die tomorrow good.. wish i could afford to drink to oblivion, take drugs to forget this world.. I dont care anymore.. whats the point.. really whats the point in living in this hell of a country, a hell where IDS/DWP wish me dead guess what you have won.. i will be dead.. because you have pushed me so far..  and dont worry i am not going yet..

death by self neglect.. is that a thing?

Tuesday 14 January 2014

FUN.. or not.. not sure

Well, I was sent to do EMDR after a interview, Now after speaking to the EMDR woman, she said Yes you have had some trauma but your real problem is low self image and depression so EMDR wouldnt work.

She then suggested me to go do CBT for depression, but also that there is a group that could help essentially its the same thing as A4e and the work programme.. but privately run.. So what is the point when they cant do anything but suggest me to go do group work.. as in sitting in groups and chatting.  They couldnt offer any training, or help getting a job except do a cv again.. do all the same things that a4e does..

Now, i dont know if you know this if you are told by society by people who are supposed to be helping you that everything is your fault, you are to blame for what happened to yourself, after a time you beleive it..

As i have said i feel totally worthless, partly because the dwp tell me i am and tells society i am.. if they would just leave me alone i would be less depressed,  Being constantly demeaned, is the sign of a bully, when you cant even escape them incase you lose all your benefits.

Now i have to go back to my doctors today for a sick note review today.. but next week i am at atos.. no doubt i will be fit and that doctors will be wrong.. because you know the miracle of atos..

I am not worried about what happens at atos.. i know what they will say.

Some days i feel really down, this last week hasnt been too bad but then i have been reading a lot.. if i read i am in their world not this world..

I get so tired you know... nothing i ever do is good enough.. i wish i wasnt me.  I worry that i subconciously sabotage things because i feel like i deserve to be punished for something i did in the past.. I go through my life and wonder what did i do or didnt do to cause all this pain i am suffering.. I must be to blame because i am the only common factor..