Thursday, 20 September 2012


check out 's new report on the long term fiscal crunch out today. . Part 1 of major proj is funding

So let me get this right, A4e are funding a company that Jonty used to work for, to do a report into the fiscal crunch,  which no doubt find that more money needs to go to private contractors..

This report sets out the major drivers of rising demand for public spending in key areas and highlights the political choices available to UK citizens and policymakers in determining the impact of these trends on our public finances over the next 50 years.
Current political debates are dominated by an argument about the impact of austerity on the UK’s prospects for economic growth, but these debates rarely stretch to an informed examination of the possible drivers of tax revenues and public spending over the long term, and the political choices implied by these trends. Yet this kind of debate is vital given continued population ageing, technological change and the rising demand for public services generated by growing national prosperity over the long run.
Our analysis is based upon projections by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) of the long-term state of the public finances, which assume that current policy does not change over the next 50 years and that economic growth is steady. The report considers the implications of the OBR's projections for key areas of public spending, sources of uncertainty in those projections, and the possible consequences of variation in long-term demographic change, economic performance and political decision-making.
Projections of long-term fiscal sustainability tell us what will drive rising demand for public spending and what will drive falling revenues. Politicians will choose whether and how to respond to these trends, and have a range of options available to them. The report identifies four key approaches, with implications for policymaking in every area, at every level:
  • Raise the long-term rate of growth and the employment rate to help achieve fiscal consolidation and, over the long term, reduce the size of the ‘fiscal gap’.
  • Increase tax revenues to make up the shortfall in future income and consider if total revenues should be higher in the long term to pay for some of the extra demand for services and benefits.
  • Identify priorities for public spending and the trade-offs inherent in different choices.
  • Reform public spending to limit rising demand or reduce the cost of public provision, to address cost pressures in public services.

Monday, 17 September 2012


Ok there has been some discussion from Jonty Olliff-Cooper On Twitter (I am Eric Greenwood).  About A4e, Now he is using the standard Come and visit us we arent so bad..

BUT when they have comments from countrywide all stating the same thing, when a4e shut down her other place not getting in touch with them, but their provider.  That sort of thing leaves an impression

as they say here
"The purpose of your comment was to get me to publish it, to show what a reasonable chap you are.  You made no attempt to answer the points I made; specifically your consistent failure to meet targets.  You ignored everything ever published, not just in this blog, but in so many other forums, and stuck to the line that if critics just understood and appreciated how wonderful A4e is, they would change their minds. "

From my personal experiences of a4e, and the fact they have bullied me and others, made me feel threatened with sanctions, laughed at, and havent even listened to our comments.

We do NOT trust a4e, we do NOT trust any work fare programme whatever they wish to call it.  This is profiteering off the backs of the unemployed. They are getting Paid MORE than the benefits bill to do less than if it never existed.   One size Does NOT fit all. yet this is what a4e is doing

since when did he know what its like to be on the dole, since when does he knows how hard it is to get a job, without mummy and daddy pulling strings oh yes he will say he spent a few weeks on the dole so knows about it all

Mr Olliff-Cooper, 29, went to school at Winchester College, then studied modern history at Oxford University before taking an MPhil in cultural and political history at Cambridge University.
After joining the Boston Consulting Group as an associate he worked with the Department for International Development for a year. He then taught for two years at the Prime Minister’s old school, Eton.
He joined the Conservative Party as a policy adviser in 2008 and a year later was a head of programme of the Progressive Conservative Project at Demos – an independent think-tank.
In September 2010 he joined the A4e group as a director of policy and strategy. Months later, A4e founder Emma Harrison was appointed Mr Cameron’s ‘families tsar’ with a brief to get problem households ‘back to work’.
Ten years ago, Mr Olliff-Cooper was filmed lording it over servants as he starred in a TV reality show.
His family appeared in Channel 4’s The Edwardian Country House at Manderston House in Berwickshire in 2002. Critics claimed at the time that Mr Olliff-Cooper played his part with ‘relish’.